Friday 11 January 2013

Academies ....the future?

The Academies Commission Report makes an interesting read..depending on where you sit in relation to academies. The original academies set up to change education in disadvantaged areas particularly in under performing schools have been swiftly overtaken in number by the converter academies. Becoming an academy is no guarantee of improvements in attainment and achievement. Those academies who are sponsored and part of a chain it appears are, over a period of five years, becoming more successful and sustainable in their achievements.
The freedom gained from being detached from local authority control is however a more difficult concept to grasp and many academies struggle with this. Indeed for many primary schools thinking of becoming an academy it is often the fear of not having the LA there that prevents them from making that leap. The autonomy is there for all of us but we have to understand that to innovate we need to collaborate...dangerously close to nonexistent open and confident about improving teaching and learning and be prepared to support our neighbours both at primary and secondary level.
Academy sponsored chains will now come under more scrutiny regards the performance of students under their control, there will be a fresh look at the way primary schools work collaboratively with or without academy status and the future roles of Local Authorities must take centre stage as their responsibility for school improvement diminishes.
On a personal note becoming an academy has presented us with new challenges and opportunities for our community. Greater autonomy, more competition for students and amongst other things a capital build that has regenerated the community we serve.....that's what education is about making a difference.

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