Tuesday 3 February 2015

Scottish Mountaineering Week with Jagged Globe.

Jagged Globe:  Scottish winter mountaineering course - what a gem of a week this was. 
12 fit(ish) men and women   Under the careful watch of three excellent leaders survived this incredible week of skill, techniques and above all physical and mental challenge. Given the tough Scottish winter weather and severe wind chill,  conditions were very challenging which made it all the more satisfying when our week was completed. The start of the course involved briefing on equipment and basic mountain skills and an understanding of what we might expect in the terrain around Ben Nevis and Glen Coe. The first day included a gondola ride to the ski area around the northern slopes of Ben Nevis.
The focus was on using an ice axe efficiently including a range of ice axe arrest techniques. We then put on crampons and ventured around the mountain terrain and rocky outcrops getting used to different surfaces. Ice,soft snow and deep snow call for varied skills in crampon walking. This was an excellent start to the week not too strenuous but demonstrating the need to learn and practice basic techniques on the mountains. As the week progressed the intensity of what we did increased.  Rope work was the next challenge, getting the knots and hitches correct is so important particularly when belaying. Taking all of these skills to the mountain was incredible. We summited twice and on one particular afternoon under the gullies and aretes of 'The Ben'  built snow holes and belay seats as more experienced climbers tested their ice climbing skills on the frozen columns of ice dripping from the summit. 
The final day brought all of the experiences we had gathered in the week into one expedition. Starting from the car park on Glen Coe we crossed the bridge and walked up the just visible path into the Coire nan Lochan valley. We then manoeuvred the increasing deeper snow arriving in the amphitheatre under Stob Coire. Defined by high steep ridges the North-East corrie of Stob Coire nan Lochan is an idyllic spot with tall columnar cliffs and  deeply cut gullies. Its height makes it one of the most reliable winter climbing spots in Glencoe and it offers excellent routes of all grades. A fair amount of loose rock and windslab avalanches on the lower slopes can be hazardous.It was now decision time - 'do we go for Broad Gully - a grade 1 climb? ' After some deep thinking the consensus of the group was yes !!! So we used our ice axe and crampon skills to climb to the col. The pictures tell it all! 
We then summited to 1115 metres and bagged Stob Croire nan Lochan.
This was a great achievement and was also very satisfying to Alex, Max and Jamie our group leaders to see their  'team' reach the summit under challenging winter conditions. We were reminded of the importance of care in descent - when most accidents happen-  as we focused on the 2hours walk  back to the valley. 
This was a fitting end to a great week in the Scottish mountains, fab company, good hotel with plentiful food and above all excellent leaders who know their stuff. I can't wait for the next experience with Jagged Globe.  

1 comment:

Liz Simon said...

Hi Eric, found your blog when investigating Academies! You may have retired but you cannot escape your past. It is great you have the time to undertake some new challenges. Last year was a year of challenges for my daughter Charlotte, she also climbed Ben Nevis and cycled 2 long rides, she has now got a place in the great north run in September in memory of John so we will be going up to support her.enjoy your retirement and stay fit and healthy ...love Cousin Liz