Thursday 21 November 2013

What I know ……about opening a new school, one year on.

The opening of the new Ormiston Bushfield Academy in September 2012 was the end of an amazing journey, which we undertook to improve the educational, cultural and learning opportunities for the people living in the Orton’s. The continuous improvement of the old Bushfield Community College helped provide the impetus to pursue new accommodation which would further provide opportunities for young people to aspire and achieve in as many ways as possible. The new building provided us with state of the art facilities, which include ICT suites, a media/TV studio. So what as been the impact of the building on students, staff and the community?

·      Staff and student morale improved as soon as we walked into the building. People say its not the building that matters it is the people in it, nonetheless a truly inspiring building can raise peoples aspirations and motivate them to be the best.
·      The investment in a new well designed environment where educationalists had a major input meant we ended up with spaces fit for purpose.
·       The flexible learning spaces means that many areas of the building can be adapted for different events and activities.
·       There is a greater community feeling as all departments can be readily accessed and new resources shared. There are joint department meetings and curriculum projects enabling staff to work collaboratively.
·      Students behaviour as improved they are proud of the academy and show respect for the building.
·      Students have responded to the design and investment in their future and appreciate the new resources they are able to access.
·      The Investment in the community facilities in the building means the community users can more readily access the facilities after school hours, incorporating the library and sports centre in the colonnade means when visitors approach it does not 'look' like a school but a place where people want to be.
·      Parents are more confident in coming into the building and this makes for a better partnership with teachers.
·      The facilities are being used more and more by the community and we now have a range of activities taking place throughout the week including, parenting programs, baby clinic, Rhapsody Choir Group, Yoga in the theatre and a number of business and company bookings.
·      As a result of their investment in the new build we now have an excellent partnership with BGL the international insurance group based in Orton Southgate. As a result our 6th form students have had opportunities for work experience and already three students have gained employment with the company.

The investment is clear to see and it is now up to myself and my staff to ensure we maximize the fantastic resources we have and create opportunities for our students and people in the community to access the some of the best facilities in the country. Opportunity , Belief and Aspiration is our mission.

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