Thursday 9 May 2013

What I know about ……young people !

I began my teaching career at what was Orton Longueville School on Oundle Road teaching PE. I have been fortunate to have some amazing experiences teaching alongside experienced teachers but also young energetic enthusiastic young ones. I have worked in a number of schools in a number of roles until 2001 when I had the opportunity to move back to Bushfield Community College as Principal. The last 12 years has seen the College develop into Academy status and move into its wonderful inspiring £20 million building complete with modern technology and facilities. Next year I will complete 40 years of teaching and I often hear the claim that ‘teaching isn’t what it used to be and children have changed.’ Really ? well teaching may have changed but my view, having taught over 10.000 students, is that children have not changed one bit. There is no doubt that in the last twenty years schools have become more accountable to parents, more competitive as a result of league tables whilst demands on teachers has become greater through more government legislation and the focus on education. All of which as increased pressure on schools.  Despite all of these changes and pressures children remain in the most part resilient and what I do know is:

·      Children physically if not emotionally are maturing earlier and this has made schools rethink the curriculum and how children learn.
·      Young people like to know where they stand, they like to be organized and told what is expected of them.
·      They want to respect their teachers but want that respect to be earned.
·      Young people more often than not want to be successful in all areas of school life whether it is academic studies, playing sport or taking part in performing arts.
·      The young people of today have a lot more to cope with and adults often instigate the pressures they face.
·      Technology is a good thing but whilst young people are sometimes more proficient than adults in using it there is a downside in that it as made them more vulnerable.
·      Growing up today is the same it as always been in that there will always be somebody who remarks ‘ It wasn’t like that in my day’ or ‘they don’t know how lucky they are.’ We have heard it a thousand times and we are all guilty of saying it.

So all in all children remain the same, however the schools they attend and the teachers in front of them have certainly changed over the years ……more of that later !

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