Tuesday 25 December 2012

Christmas Day reflections

Watching 'Christmas carol' by Charles Dickens last night once again reminds me of what Christmas is about. Looking at our frailties and opening our eyes to others worse off than we are.
This morning thousands of youngsters will be opening expensive presents, on my morning run I have already seen little ones on their new bikes. The not so young will be receiving electrical goods, iPads and other tablets, cameras and high tech presents. This is our world and nothing will change it ..not even a recession. This is not a criticism merely an observation. So as we eat and drink, enjoy our family, fall out, get drunk and undoubtedly regret some of it all tomorrow lets remember Christmas is for all of us to step back open our eyes and then align ourself to good things that can make our life's better in the new year.

Merry christmas.

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