Friday 28 December 2012

Water !!!!

We can certainly see why it's been the wettest year on record in this area....

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Christmas Day reflections

Watching 'Christmas carol' by Charles Dickens last night once again reminds me of what Christmas is about. Looking at our frailties and opening our eyes to others worse off than we are.
This morning thousands of youngsters will be opening expensive presents, on my morning run I have already seen little ones on their new bikes. The not so young will be receiving electrical goods, iPads and other tablets, cameras and high tech presents. This is our world and nothing will change it ..not even a recession. This is not a criticism merely an observation. So as we eat and drink, enjoy our family, fall out, get drunk and undoubtedly regret some of it all tomorrow lets remember Christmas is for all of us to step back open our eyes and then align ourself to good things that can make our life's better in the new year.

Merry christmas.

Monday 17 December 2012

SPOTY Awards

An amazing night last night at the Excel centre, a privilege to be there. The BBC put on an excellent show. The warm up was great and the audience participation well worked.
A few surprises I thought Mo should/would/could have been in the top 3, perhaps the athletic vote was split with Jess Ennis.

Sunday 16 December 2012

Those were the days.........

Great sporting moment of the past, good players winning trophies.

Saturday 15 December 2012

European Champions League

That Manchester United and Arsenal are through to the final knockout rounds is testimony to their European record and success over the ten or more years. Money alone does not buy success, planning, establishing a sound base for player development and hard work will allows succeed over short financial buying power.

Friday 14 December 2012

Tour de Yorkshire

At last the Tour comes back not only to England but to gods country. The people of Yorkshire will make the prologue the best supported ever followed by a day of cycles around
The dales and moors, before the stage to London. Can't wait for July 2014.🚴🚴

BBC sports personality

Looking forward to Sunday evening and being at the Excel centre at the SPOTY awards 2012. Wide open .....anyone could win although my top three are Bradley Wiggins, Mo Farah and Jess Ennis.

Ormiston Bushfield Academy

As we reach the end of our first term in the new academy building students and staff are looking forward to a well earned break. Everyone has worked hard to ensure an excellent start to the new era. The new astro turf is now completed and the surrounding landscape provides a stunning vista to the new building. More updates and pictures as we go into 2013.