Tuesday 16 September 2014

The end but also the beginning.......

In July I completed 40 years working in secondary schools.  I began my career in 1974 as a PE teacher in a large secondary school, since then I have worked in three schools as Head of PE, Head of Humanities, Deputy Principal and Principal of both a community college and an Academy. During the last 40 years I have had the pleasure to meet and work with some outstanding professionals and a huge number of young people who have been both inspiring and enlightening in their attitudes and desire to want to succeed. I would like to think I have provided advice, support, knowledge and an understanding of not only the subjects I taught but also about life itself.  Outside of my vocation I have always been involved in sport, playing, coaching and managing football, running, walking and more recently cycling.  So after 40 years teaching and at 63 years of age what happens next?  Do I slip into retirement, hang up my boots and accept the onset of dementia? Not a chance! The bills and taxes are paid. Life is a marathon and the time and physical investment I have put in to maintaining my level of fitness over the last 40 or so years now needs to be well spent. My enthusiasm for challenge, my ambition, and determination to continue to get the most out of life is my driving force and aspiration. The intentions are to embrace the time I now have and these are just a sample of my aspirations:

·      Continue to work on a consultancy basis supporting the development of new educational initiatives.
·      Work with the Youth Sports Trust on developing the impact of sport on student attainment.
·      Maintain my sport schedule running races; cycling sportives; duathlons (the national age rankings beckons!).
·      Work my way through the bucket list I have accumulated of places to visit.
·      Begin the challenges I have longed to do including; Walking the Pennine Way; Trekking to Mera Peak; Climbing some Munros; cycling the coast to coast.

If this in inspires others young or old then that is a bonus, I know from years working with people of all ages that that initial motivation and drive comes from an inspirational role model. Life is tough, lifestyles are changing, the world gets smaller and technology and social media are taking over. We need to seek out our individuality, our inner self and find the mojo that makes us all unique.

I feel privileged and I suppose slightly lucky to be in a physical condition to be able to keep challenging and pushing myself. The adrenalin rush and need to exercise and take part in competitions has never left me I have come to the conclusion this love of sport, life and adventure will be with me forever.
So as the saying goes watch this space ! Whether its micro adventures, trips overseas or beating that Saturday Park Run PB let the new life begin.