Tuesday 4 June 2013

What I know about …examinations…

We are now into the traditional exam season in our secondary schools, as students across the country sit their GCSE and A-level exams over the next few weeks.

We all remember our own experiences of enduring these all-important final tests that can have such a significant impact on our futures. The subjects we took are often forgotten but it’s the final grades that are crucial in opening doors to bright futures and creating opportunities for our young people.

From the old 'O' levels and CSE exams I have seen numerous changes in our exam system. GCSEs, BTECs and now iGCSEs form the main basis of assessment at 16, with AS levels and the final A2 GCE exams being the format for our sixth form students. Many schools now enable students to take modular exams over two years with opportunities to re-sit and improve marks and grades. In addition, schools are allowing, indeed encouraging, more students to take their exams earlier, reflecting the readiness of some students to gain exam success as soon as possible. ‘Stage not age' recognizes that we all develop differently and some students will be ready to be assessed before Year 11. Inevitably, this opens up for debate questions about the advantages of entering students early for exams and the implications for the rest of their time in school. And there has always been wide debate about girls out-performing boys, advantages of coursework over final assessment, and even whether the month that a child is born has an impact on academic development and performance.
We are now approaching a new era in assessment following the debacle over last year’s English GCSE results, which affected so many students. Changes are due to take place in two years’ time with a move towards one final exam, as well as potential changes to A-level assessment.

Despite these changes, the one constant message is that preparation is key to success. Most schools now provide opportunities like:

    Extra revision classes in the evenings and school holidays
    Lessons in exam technique and understanding key words
    Model answers to questions 
    A range of revision skills and help on how to prepare
    Morning of the exam breakfasts and final tips

Let’s hope this year’s crop of students gain the success they deserve and can celebrate in August. In the meantime, it's heads down with revision and final preparations, before the prom parties that provide such a great opportunity for our students to relax, dress up in their ball gowns or tuxedos, and dance the night away.